Shiny Drop Fashion Show
My collection of ten looks debuted on the SWAIA Shiny Drop runway this past week, during the centennial Indian Market in Santa Fe, NM. Absolutely one of the top five events of my life so far. My work was accompanied by Jennifer Younger’s incredible silver, copper and antler jewelry, and I couldn’t have asked for a more regal artist to collaborate with. I had no idea how much I’d depend on and be moved by the collaboration with the models as well. The ten women that walked my work down the runway were divine human-beings that brought spirit to the work in a way that brought tears to my eyes. On top of all that, being in a building surrounded by indigenous creatives was something out of a dream for this small-town girl. Gunalchéesh to Amber-Dawn Bear Robe for taking a chance on me — I was incredibly honored to show my work alongside so many designers I idolize.
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